In collaboration with…
A local charity has joined forces with Liverpool BID Company to encourage organisations and individuals to take part in ‘acts of kindness’ to commemorate the life and work of Nelson Mandela this July.
Mandela8, who have just overseen the completion of a new memorial to the revered leader in Princes Park, will once again mark Mandela Day on 18th July with a series of events and activities in the city. The theme this year is ‘Celebrating Communities’.
The day remembers Mandela’s achievements in working towards conflict resolution, democracy, human rights, peace, and reconciliation.
Sonia Bassey, Chair of Mandela8, said:“Nelson Mandela inspired the idea for Mandela Day at his 90th birthday celebrations in Hyde Park, London when he said ‘It is time for new hands to lift the baton. It is in your hands now’. The idea of Mandela Day is that everyone has the ability to make an impact and do something in their own way to change the world and the world of those around them.”
The city has its own special relationship and connection with Nelson Mandela. When Liverpool became aware of Apartheid and Nelson Mandela’s incarceration, community activists, unions and the city as a whole came together to support the Free Nelson Mandela Campaign and took a solid stance against Apartheid.
Nelson Mandela was gifted the Freedom of the City in 1994 and a Civic Reception held in his honour 20 years later in 2014.
Sonia continued: “Liverpool is built on strong political and social values and has experienced oppression but not on the scale of South Africa. So, when awareness of the brutality of Apartheid in South Africa became known in Liverpool the City united to support Mandela, the ANC and South African people. We now have the permanent legacy to Nelson Mandela, the Memorial installed in Princes Park, Liverpool 8, endorsed by Dr Maki Mandela and Tukwini Mandela, his eldest daughter and granddaughter, with whom Liverpool now has a special relationship.”
As part of the Acts of Kindness week this year Mandela8 and Liverpool BID Company are asking corporate organisations to take part in Mandela Day, as part of Mandela Week, to do an act of kindness to commemorate Nelson Mandela, acknowledging his values and dedication to the service of humanity and struggle for international democracy and peace throughout the world.
Those taking part are encouraged to promote and celebrate their work in advance and on the day through social media by linking it to the international social media campaign for Mandela Day using the following hashtag: #AoKcelebratingcommunities and tagging us @mandela800 @mandela8_liverpool @LpoolBIDcompany
The Corporate Giving Programme Ask
Madela8 are looking for 1 company a month to sign up to supporting a voluntary or community group with their skills, experience or time to support an area of need identified. The types of activities you can support can be found in our Acts of Kindness brochure here.
How this will work:
Further information and photos can be found at
Here are a few ideas to get you started.
“What good deed are you going to do today for someone that will make their life better?” – Dr Makaziwe Mandela.
Litter Picking – take part in – or help arrange – a litter pick for your local area or community group.
Photographs of Princes Park – take a new photograph of Princes Park – or search online for historical images – and share your photos online (don’t forget to tag Mandela8!)
Quote for Mandela – post a quote from Nelson Mandela on social media or another leader that has inspired you.
Chalk a Design or Quote – chalk colourful floral designs or patterns, or write an inspirational Mandela quote in a park or on a pavement in your community.
Plant for Mandela – whether it’s a new tree in your community, a plant in your garden, or some veg on your window sill.
Cake and Coffee Morning – arrange an event in your workplace or community to celebrate diversity through talking and learning about Nelson Mandela.
Raffles & Quizzes for Charity – arrange a raffle or quiz to raise funds for a charity of your choice.
Walk and Talk – plan a walk for staff, community members or with friends.
Poster Competition – design an inspirational poster in your local schools or youth groups.
Foodbank Donations – gift food items to your local foodbank.
‘Long Walk To Freedom‘ – purchase an adult or children’s version of Nelson Mandela’s book and gift it to a colleague, friend or neighbour.
Digital Aid – help an elderly friend or relative learn how to use emerging technology which could help them in their life.
Lockdown Pen Pals – write a letter to someone who is living alone or in a care home.
Volunteer with the Friends of Princes Park or the Friends of Princes Avenue and find out how you can make a difference in your community.
Remember to take pictures or videos of all your activities and post them to social media to spread the word!
Please use our IDEAS BROCHURE below for inspiration and give consideration to whatever you do complying with social distancing guidelines and digital solutions.
Ideas Brochure – CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
Purchase ‘Long Walk to Freedom’ Book – Adults and Childrens versions via our friends at News From Nowhere.
Archive: My 67 – 2019 Programme
Nelson Mandela inspired the idea for Mandela Day at his 90th birthday celebrations in Hyde Park, London when he said: It is time for new hands to lift the burden. It is in your hands now”. The idea of Mandela Day is that everyone has the ability to make an impact and do something in their own way to change the world and the world of those around them.
The 18th July is Nelson Mandela International Day, now more widely known as Mandela Day and was officially declared by the United Nations in November 2009, to acknowledge his values and dedication to the service of humanity and struggle for international democracy and peace throughout the world.
The day remembers Mandela’s achievements in working towards conflict resolution, democracy, human rights, peace, and reconciliation.
Madiba as Nelson Mandela was fondly known was one of South Africa’s greatest heroes. Not only is he loved and respected as one of the greatest leaders in South Africa, he is also admired and respected around the world. Liverpool has its own special relationship and connection with Nelson Mandela. When Liverpool became aware of Apartheid and Nelson Mandela’s incarceration community activists, Unions and the City came together to support the Free Nelson Mandela Campaign and took a solid stance against Apartheid.
Liverpool is built on strong political and social values and has experienced oppression but not on the scale of South Africa. So when awareness of the brutality of Apartheid in South Africa became known in Liverpool the City united to support Mandela, the ANC and South African people. Nelson Mandela was gifted the Freedom of the City in 1994 and a Civic Reception held in his honour 20 years later in 2014.
Whilst in South Africa in 2018 Mandela8 heard about the My67 Minutes programme and when back in Liverpool, decided to pilot it with Liverpool schools and Youth Groups. And so Mandela8 My67 Minutes was born.
So What is Mandela Day?
Nelson Mandela’s fight for justice began in 1942 and for 67 tireless years he continued to fight for social justice and human rights and the My67 Minutes programme is designed to enable you as an individual, or collectively as part of a group or organisation to give 67 minutes of your day, 1 minute for every year, to help someone else, ideally on Mandela Day or in that week.
It is a day where Nelson Mandela’s life’s work is celebrated annually through acts of kindness and 67 ways for people of all ages to get involved are suggested in the Mandela8 Mandela Day Resource Pack and you can also download a range of resources for all ages to get involved on the Nelson Mandela Day website.
“What good deed are you going to do today for someone that will make their life better?” – Dr Makaziwe Mandela.
The Mandela8 My67 Minutes Programme will be rolled out across the Liverpool City Region and parts of the North West Region this year after a very successful programme in Liverpool last year delivered in 170 schools reaching 55,000 pupils and 8 youth centres reaching 85 young people.
The 2019 programme includes:
Expansion to schools across the wider Liverpool City Region (and additional 408 primary schools and 61 secondary schools). School to order their books by emailing
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