Roots & Wings

Our most recently developed programme is called Roots and Wings – Mandela8 Young Leaders Taking Shape.

The 12 week programme is person centred and has been designed to target young people who lack positive role models and are at risk of criminal exploitation or are experiencing violent crime or fear of violent crime daily.

These young people live in areas of high deprivation with high levels of crime and where fear of crime is not unusual and are frequently disengaged from school and at risk of exclusion or permanently excluded from school and often socially and economically excluded in their communities.

The programme includes restorative justice practices and aims to find enduring solutions to prevent the young people from becoming involved in crime and violence and will support them to recognise consequences, understand cause and effect, reduce naivety and increase their resilience and strength to not get involved.

It will also support cultural change around the acceptability of carrying weapons i.e. knives and succumbing to peer pressure to develop them into young leaders of the future.

The Roots & Wings programme is currently being delivered with Taking Shape.

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